1. 今天天氣怎麼樣?
How is the weather today?
It is sunny. (今天天氣晴。)
it sucks!糟糕透頂
it is pretty nice~蠻不賴
it is beautiful outside.十分棒
Mainly fine with a little shower in the morning.除了早上有一點雨外, 大致上都是晴天.

2. 今天是幾月幾日?
What date is today?
It is May 9th , 2008. (今天是五月9日。)

3. 今天吃飯了嗎?
Did you have breakfast this morning? (早餐吃了嗎?)
Yes, I did. I have a chicken sandwich and a cup of milk tea.
(有啊! 我吃了一個雞肉三明治和一杯奶茶。)
eat anything yet?
let’s go and grip something to eat一起去吃點東西吧

4. 今天工作如何?
How was your day?
I was very busy. (我今天過的很忙。)
I am adapting it now. 我正在適應當中
how’s work today?
same old~same old~一樣

5. 他今天穿什麼?
What is he wearing today?
He is wearing a shirt and jeans. (他穿著一件襯衫和牛仔褲。)
He has a suit on today. 他今天穿西裝
穿衣服的動詞: wear, dress, have on

6.Where are you going? (妳要去哪?)
I am going to go shopping this afternoon.(我今天下午要去逛街買東西。)

7.May I borrow your cell phone? (我可以借你的手機嗎?)
No, you may not. (不行喔!)
8. What time do you get up? (你幾點起床?)
I often get up at seven thirty. (我常七點半起床。)

9.Do you like to see a movie? (妳喜歡看電影嗎?)
Yes, I do. I love comedies. (是啊,我愛喜劇。)
10.May I have your phone number? (我可以跟你要電話嗎?)
Let me think about it. (我考慮一下。)


Play(ing) computer at home today/Today,I play(ing) computer at home.
Today I play(ing) baseketball at afternoon.
I slep until noon(lunch time) today.
I drunk a lot of water today.
I play the computer whole day.
I don’t eat my lunch(dinner) yet.
I’m so sleepy.

Yesterday I went to the restaurant with my family(Parents or friends).
I have to go to school tomorrow.
I need to get a job.
I got to work.
I need to take a nap(rest).
I feel so tire today.
我好餓 , 有沒有東西可以吃?
I’m so hungry , have anything to eat?
Do you needs help?
I’m too lazy to go outside.


I am at home whole day today. 整天在家.
I have nothing to do today. 整天無所是事.
I am getting bored at home. 在家無聊.
I think I should start doing something.應該開始找點事做.
I think I should shaken up myself. 應該振作起來.
I look at TV whole day today.整天看電視.

I yawn and stretch. 我打呵欠並伸懶腰.
I brush my teeth. 我刷牙.
I rinse my mouth. 我漱口.

I would like to close my account. 我要結束一個帳號.
I would like to open a new account. 我要開個新戶頭.
Are you free? 你有空嗎?
Cound you nake it cheaper? 可以便宜一點嗎?

▲How’s it going? = What’s up? = How are you doing? = How have you been? = How’s life? = What’s new? 最近好嗎?